Due to various problems, such as increased age, gaining and losing weight rapidly and leading a sedentary lifestyle etc., impairments may be observed at the lower layers of the skin and a saggy and rough skin may be observed more. Body FX procedure, where radiofrequency energy and vacuum pressure are used together, is the process of treating saggy skin and regional fat on the skin. You may get a tighter, more stretched and smoother skin with Body FX technology, which is particularly used for cellulite treatment, regional slimming and regional tightening intensely.
Body FX refers to the procedure of treating saggy skin and regional fat by applying negative pressure on the skin together with radiofrequency energy and vacuum-like negative pressure. With this procedure, it is aimed to remove the stubborn fat tissue, which is deformed and which is formed under the skin, from the body. Body FX treatment tightens loose skin by showing its impact on any layer of the skin, and thus, it ensures that recipients get a smoother skin. Regional slimming is used effectively during regional tightening and cellulite treatment.
In Body FX treatment, radiofrequency energy and vacuum-like negative pressure are applied on the area that includes stubborn fat depositions. The heat, which is revealed by radiofrequency energy, ensures that fat tissues are heated and tightened effectively down to lower layers of the skin. At this point, vacuum-like and controlled energy pulses give a shape to the body and ensure that the skin tightens.
Body FX treatment transmits heat to deep tissue layers and subcutaneous fat tissue by radiofrequency energy, and it also applies a vacuum-like negative pressure on the same area at the same time. Such heat shrinks fat cells and it supports repairing elastin and collagen fibres that are present in the connective tissue. Vacuum-like pressure triggers an activity in deep tissues, and such activity stimulates lymphatic drainage by blood circulation. Radiofrequency energy pulses may be delivered at 1 million cycles per second successively. During the Body FX treatment, body temperature is also monitored through the thermal display screen that is present on the device. Body FX treatment provides effective results for regional slimming, regional tightening and cellulite.
It is effective on getting rid of weight that may occur on various parts of the body. It is preferred to get rid of extra weight that may not be dissolved at various parts of the body, such as abdomen, hip or waist etc., although recipients may do sports and diet and lose weight. Sessions are planned before Body FX treatment, which is a painless treatment, and dieticians provide support, if required. Thus, it is made sure that the effects of regional slimming last long. The number of sessions held for regional slimming varies from person to person. It is generally held weekly and for 6-8 sessions in total. Each session continues for 30-45 minutes. Results of the treatment may be seen in approximately 2 weeks. With Body FX treatment, subcutaneous tissues may become tighter and thus, you may get a smoother and softer skin.
Loose skin may occur on the abdominal area due to pregnancy, gaining/losing weight and aging. Body FX is used for tightening of the abdominal area in particular. By providing Body FX treatment on the abdomen, waist and belly area, tightening and slimming would be achieved. This procedure is also applied on legs.
Also, the number of sessions, which will be held for providing Body FX treatment for regional tightening, varies from person to person. It is generally provided weekly for 8 sessions in total. The number of sessions may often increase case by case.
Today, cellulite is one of the issues, which women complaint about the most. Many women refrain from swimming in the sea in the summer due to the orange peel appearance that occurs on legs, i.e. cellulite. Body FX procedure is one of the most effective technologies used for cellulite treatment. You may get a smoother leg appearance when it is performed biweekly for 8 sessions in total.
Cellulite occurs by enlargement of the fat tissue that is present under the skin and by overflowing of the same from vertical bands that hold such tissue. Thus, fat cells gain their former appearance and orange peel appearance becomes a history.
With Body FX procedure, the problematic tissue, which causes the orange peel appearance, is removed, and skin is tightened by a vacuum-like negative pressure. Thus, you may get a tighter and smoother skin by getting rid of cellulite.
Body FX treatment may be provided to anyone, who wish to get rid of cellulite, who wish to get a tight abdomen and legs abd who have regional weight.
Body FX treatment is quite a safe and comfortable treatment method. Therefore, you may get back to your routine life after receiving this treatment. You may feel heat and redness on the affected area and they would disappear a few hours after the procedure. Such results are temporary and they do not make any adverse effects on your daily life.
Prices of Body FX treatment vary based on the number of sessions, ratio of skin damage and size of the affected area. Low-priced procedures can mean performing procedures with inappropriate devices. Therefore, quality of the procedure and experience level of the doctor are very important details.
Note: Our content on diseases and treatment methods is for informational purposes only. Consult your doctor or a health care provider on all matters related to your health.
Yes, it is an extremely safe treatment method. Body temperature is monitored continuously and skin temperature is controlled continuously during the procedure. Thus, it is ensured that procedure is safer.
No, it is not a painful procedure. Patients describe this treatment as a gentle pulling sensation.
The number of sessions that is required in Body FX treatment ranges between 1 to 8 weeks based on the ratio of skin damage. Its results may become visible after first few sessions. Skin becomes softer after the first session and skin begins to become smoother.
In Body FX treatment, radiofrequency energy and vacuum-like negative pressure are used together. Therefore, you may get very effective results.
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