Our skin weakens by aging, effect of gravity and various other reasons, and facial sagging and wrinkles occur. Such situation, which causes any person to look older, annoys people both psychologically and aesthetically. By undergoing a Thread Lift operation, which is one of the leading non-surgical skin rejuvenation methods today, you may have a young and smooth facial look by getting rid of saggy skin and wrinkles on your face and neck area.
Face and neck areas are the areas where aging is felt the most in the body. Aging causes any person to look older by creating saggy skin and wrinkles on the neck and face areas due to aging, effect of gravity and various other reasons. Thread Lift is one of the most used methods in eliminating saggy skin and wrinkles non-surgically. Cog threads are used during facelift procedures that are performed on persons with obvious signs of facial sagging. These threads, which have a polydioxanone character, provide more stretching, longer lifetime and rejuvenation effect thanks to their mesh-like pattern, which is different from their former stringy pattern. Also, it is very comfortable both for patients and physicians since they may be inserted by a cannula.
Either you are a male or female, anyone, who has the problem of facial sagging, droopy cheeks, sagging chin or saggy neck, who is not older than the age of 25, may undergo this procedure at any season. Skin tightening procedure may also be performed in case of sagging stomach skin and loose skin on arms etc. However, facelift procedures are not performed on pregnant and breastfeeding women.
Thread lift procedures are performed successfully on below areas;
Thread lift is not a suitable option for extremely wrinkled and sagging skin. In such cases, facelift operations come to the forefront as a better solution. This procedure provides the most effective and aesthetic results for fine skin showing slight laxity. Such skin type constitutes the target group of the thread lift method. However, thread lift procedure does not produce satisfactory results on cases with very fine and wrinkled skin or thick and very heavy skin.
It does not contain any of the risks that may be observed in general anesthesia since it is a procedure that is performed by local anesthesia and in which general anesthesia is not required.
Specialist physician selects Cog threads according to the type of sagging sklin and procedure that shall be performed, and threads are inserted into the skin following local anesthesia.
At first, an analysis is performed in relation with the structure of the skin and subcutaneous supporting tissues. Local anesthesia is applied following relative markings, and it is ensured that entry and exit points of threads are consistent with each other. Then, required sterilization conditions are met. Threads are inserted into targeted points subcutaneously. Then, lifting procedure is performed by ensuring that the recipient sits up straight. Any asymmetry that is observed on the face of the recipient is removed, and any surplus threads are removed. Then, recipient’s face is cleaned and operation is terminated by covering entry-exit points with tapes.
At first, an analysis is performed in relation with the structure of the skin and subcutaneous supporting tissues. Threads that are inserted subcutaneously trigger collagen production in few weeks. Thus, our skin begins to rejuvenate itself, and begins to restore the elasticity, which it had lost. Wrinkles decrease and saggy skin areas recover considerably. This is a procedure that anyone may undergo, either you are a male or female. According to requirements of the recipient, it may be performed in combination with Botox or filling procedure, if required.
No, the threads have no effect like stopping time. Therefore, they may not stop aging. However, they ensure that the recipient gets a youthful appearance by eliminating saggy skin and wrinkles that occur with the impact of time. Thread lifting is an effective tool for protecting your beauty and youth against time.
Known traditional surgical facelift operations have some risks. In addition to those risks, there is the potential of losing your natural appearance. Individuals, who are sensitive about this issue, prefer to stay away from surgical procedures.
It provides a critical advantage since there is no surgical intervention in the thread lift procedure. Recipients would not feel any pain during operation thanks to local anesthesia, and also, there would not be any complications related with anesthesia. It provides another critical advantage to individuals, who have limited amount of time, since this procedure is completed in a short period. Another critical advantage of Thread Lift is that it is a reversible and correctable procedure, in case there are any results, which do not satisfy the recipient.
Cog thread lift procedure;
The threads used during the thread lifting procedure are compliant with the human skin dermatologically. Threads are made of silicon outside and polyester inside, which are entirely compatible with human skin. Therefore, they do not have any harmful effects on human health.
Thread lift method is also referred to as “lunch break facelift” since it gives results shortly. This procedure, which allows individuals to get rid of sagging skin and wrinkles in their lunch break, provides huge amount of comfort since it is performed non-surgically. Although it is not a surgical intervention, it must be performed in a sterile doctor’s office by a medical aesthetician in order to be protected from infection risk.
Saggy skin that is observed on cheeks and sides of the chin and deep folds that occur on the mouth area may be eliminated easily by a thread lift procedure.
There are two different options in the thread lift method; soluble threads and permanent threads. In this procedure, which is based on the principle of eliminating saggy skin on the neck and face areas by being inserted into the skin technically, individuals may prefer usage of threads with long-term effects or may prefer usage of soluble threads, effects of which vary for a period of 6 months to 2 years.
Our skin loses its elasticity and humidity over the years. Our skin begins to not to resist gravity with the decrease in collagen production. Wrinkles increase and marks of aging become visible. We would look older, more tired and nervous than we are.
Suspension, tightening and pulling function of threads make a positive effect on saggy skin. However, it may not halt the aging process. Wrinkles decrease considerably after the procedure and our facial feature become more significant. These threads, which do not make any impact on muscles and which do not damage the natural look of our face, re-trigger collagen production. Thus, our skin begins to rejuvenate itself. We get a healthy, youthful and dynamic facial expression. Final results of the procedure may be observed in 7 – 10 days.
After a few years from undergoing a thread life procedure, available threads may be re-tightened, if requested. Furthermore, one may undergo a new procedure by using new threads or another rejuvenation method may be applied.
Patients would feel minimum amount of discomfort on their face compared to other surgical operations. However, as it may occur in any subcutaneous procedure, there a may be a slight sensation of itching for a few days after the procedure. Mild side effects, which are not permanent, may occur seldomly, such as edema and ecchymosis etc. Raising your head and holding it high in the postoperative day one would benefit decreasing swellings.
Threads that are used in the procedure are very fine and their strands and structures are different. They dissolve under the skin in time, but they do not damage tissues and they do not show any reactions. Threads are not felt under the skin thanks to their fineness.
Most of the patients return to their daily activities after the procedure. The procedure takes 30-45 minutes in general. It is normal to have a slight swelling, redness and ecchymosis for a few days after the procedure, and it is recommended to apply cold compress to decrease the above. Furthermore, it would be beneficial for you to follow below advices.
Although seldom seen, some side effects may occur in thread lift procedures. Such side effects are listed as below:
Thread lift procedure provides great advantages in terms of costs since it does not produce various costs, such as general anesthesia costs, operation theatre costs and hospitalization costs etc. It is also very economical compared to surgical operations. Yet, it is affected from increases in exchange rates since threads that are used for this purpose are not produced in our country. Prices of thread lift procedures are not standard since the number of areas, which require such procedure to be performed, and number of threads may vary. Other components that affect prices are the nature of materials used and specialty and experience of the physician, who performs relative procedure.
Note: Our content on diseases and treatment methods is for informational purposes only. Consult your doctor or a health care provider on all matters related to your health.
It depends on the pain threshold of the recipient. Operation area is anesthetized by applying an anesthetic cream therein prior to the procedure. Thus, pain and aches are minimized. Some individuals feel no pain, and some individuals feel like a needle prick.
Thread lift procedure is not perform on the following;
Individuals, who are allergic to biological materials, must inform their physician about such issue prior to the procedure, and it must be decided whether to perform the procedure in the direction of the physician's decision.
Threads, which are used in thread lift procedures, dissolve and disappear in a period of 6 months in average. However, threads continue to be effective on eliminating wrinkles, skin rejuvenation and saggy skin for about 2 years.
It takes approximately 30 minutes after the anesthetizing the operation area by a local anesthetic injection. The thread is inserted from the head area through the ear, and thus, there is no need to use sutures. Effects of the procedure are observed immediately, and relative person may continue with his/her daily life immediately.
Individuals aged between 30-65 constitute the age group that experiences the biggest number of problems in terms of skin tightness. If you wish to obtain longer lasting results compared to Botox or filling procedures, and if you wish to achieve this by non-surgical methods, Thread Lift is the exact method that you are looking for.
It is very important that recipients do not have extremely saggy skin and do not have a weight in their faces. Yet, if you have an extremely saggy skin and deep lines, then it means that you do not have a profile suitable for this procedure. If we are talking about a person, whose signs of aging are well-settled, then the face lifting operation would provide more satisfactory results.
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