Dr. Lida Çiteli

Thıngs You Don't Know About Resonance Therapy

Thıngs You Don't Know About Resonance Therapy

Resonance refers to matching of the vibrations of two different materials with each other. Resonance therapy, which is a type of holistic medicine practice, is being used more widely all over the world with each passing day. Resonance therapy, which aims to produce various changes on the body of recipients due to energy, makes a great contribution to treatment of chronic disorders. However, resonance therapy must be applied by specialists in medical environments and conditions. Dr. Lida Çiteli, who is your trusted partner when it comes to various issues, such as medical aesthetics, laser aesthetic and regional slimming etc., explained things, which are unknown about Resonance Therapy, just for you.

Use areas of this method, which may be performed on people from any age whether they are infants, children and adults, are expanding with each passing day. No drugs are used in resonance therapy, which is a treatment method that biological and is based on energy completely. Therefore, it does not include any risk of side effects.

What is Resonance? How Does It Make An Impact?

In resonance therapy, a living organism is perceived as a system, which is basically comprised of electromagnetic vibrations. In this therapy, which is performed with the assistance of a device, it is ensured that the body interacts with vibrations that are delivered to the body externally. Resonance therapies are assessed under two categories; Bioresonance and PEMF. Vibrations, which are scattered by materials or by the body itself, are used in bioresonance therapies. In PEMF, it is aimed to increase the electrical potential of the tissue.

What is Bioresonance? How Does It Make An Impact?

Human organism emits electromagnetic waves in various frequencies. Cells, tissues, organs and systems have frequencies specific to them, i.e. cells communicate with each other via frequencies that are in the size of a specific wave. Any disorder that occurs in such communication affects the health of individuals adversely. In bioresonance therapy, the goal is to eliminate components that deteriorate the frequency system of the patient and to make the patient healthy again. In bioresonance therapy, deteriorated frequency communication is reorganized by electrodes that are placed to various points of the body.

Both physical and biological frequencies of patients become strong after the therapy. The impact (magnetic information) of several harmful components is deleted from the patient’s body, including parasites, viruses and bacteria etc. Furthermore, healthy frequencies are transmitted to patient after being strengthened. In this practice, in which no drugs are used, recipients do not feel any pain and it includes no risk of side effects."

In Treatment of Which Disorders is Resonance Therapy Used?

Resonance therapy is mostly used to quit smoking. However, it is also used for following purposes; to accelerate patient's recovery period after a surgery, for acute and chronic disorders, for various allergic diseases, such as egzema, allergic asthma and sinusitis etc.

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Psychological problems
  • Rheumatism
  • Alcohol and substance addiction
  • Support general medical condition
  • Liver problems
  • Detox
  • Weight problems and obesity
  • Stomach and bowel health
  • Food and beverage addictions

Resonance Therapy, which gives satisfactory results in all of the aforementioned areas, is an effective tool that re-provides the quality of life that individuals may have lost.

Resonance therapies, which may provide a solution to quit smoking in a single session, may be performed up to 4 sessions against allergic reactions. Doctors make the decision on the number of sessions based on the requirements of patients. Success rate of patients using resonance therapy to quit smoking is 92%.

Benefits of Quitting Smoking with Bioresonance

  • It provides a rapid and effective solution since it is completed in a single session.
  • Its success rate is very high.
  • Contrary to various other solutions, such as electronic cigarette, nicotine gum or nicotine patch etc., no additional nicotine is administered to the body. It is aimed to ensure that the patient gets rid of nicotine addiction.
  • It does not have any side effects.
  • No pain is involved.
  • It ensures that you quit smoking without experiencing various unwanted events, such as stress, deprivation or rage etc.

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